Thursday, June 28, 2012


Happy 4th of July to everyone! A fun time to celebrate with family and friends. The ever-so popular...and loud, tradition of fire works is approaching us fast. While fun, and exciting for us adults, that may not be the case for your little ones.  Listed below are some tips for making this year's 4th of July an absolute BLAST!
  • "It's too LOUD"  Try ear plugs or noise reducing headphones to soften the blow.  With these noise eliminating options, the child is better able to enjoy the fireworks without the anxiety of when the next "boom" is going to be.
  • If crowds and lots of commotion send your kid sky rocketing along with the fireworks, think about finding a grassy spot somewhere away from the action.  Busy environments with noise, movement, smells and sounds can cause kids to become over stimulated which could create a sense of panic or disorganization. They may have a harder time sitting still, unable to listen or follow directions, or become easily upset and emotional.
  • If familiar with The Wilbarger Brushing Protocol (the brushing program), 30 minutes before you go to the show would be a good time to do a once over.  It will help with avoiding the over stimulation that can often times occur at these sort of events.
  • Expect a wait.  While the sun is setting, the kids are getting antsy.  Plan to bring a backpack full of activities to occupy the kids while they wait.  Coloring books, cards, toys or a fun festive snack will help take the attention off the fireworks. If the kids are the sitting type, think of fun lawn games you can play. Tag, red light green light, I spy, or animal walks are all good options.
  • Maybe next year.  A lot of times the fireworks are more important to the adult than they are to the child, especially if the child is sensitive to noise and crowds. You may have to consider your child's angst and sit this one out.  As much fun as they are, we know there will always be next year :)

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