Monday, June 18, 2012

Slow Down Sparklers

Slow Down Sparklers are a great tool to help your child to calm down, as well as use a timer for taking a break from an activity or timing how long your child should participate in a task.

These sparklers are simple to make from clear plastic water bottles, glitter, and glue! To make the sparklers, choose a color glitter that your child would like. You will need one bottle of glitter glue, a matching color container of fine glitter, clear tacky glue, water, clear plastic water bottle (Smart Water bottles work great), and super glue. Start by adding the glitter glue, glitter, water (about 3/4 full) and mixing this together thoroughly by shaking the bottle. At this point, you can start adding either more water and/or more clear tacky glue. The more glue you add the slower the glitter will settle. Allow frequent trials for letting the glitter to settle before fully filling the bottle to get a good idea for the amount of time it will take. It can be great for a one minute calm down break or also great to be used as a 10 minute timer for table activities. Once you are satisfied with the amount of time it takes for the glitter to settle in the bottle, super the glue the top onto the bottle and then it's safe for your child to use.

These sparklers are a great calming tool as children love to watch the glitter swirling around inside the bottle. Because of the sparkle and movement it helps them focus visually and can help them to stay seated for the amount of time it takes for the glitter to settle. The sparklers are also a great tool to let a child know how long he or she has left to complete an activity or when he or she will have to be done. By setting the sparkler somewhere they can see it, it allows them the independence to look toward the glitter as being halfway or fully settled to know how much time is left!

Let us know if you have any other great ideas for Slow Down Sparklers!

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