Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Mission Impossible

For those rainy days this summer, here is a great activity for you to try at home with your kids! It is easy to make, all you need is a hallway, tape and yarn or ribbon! Then just tape the yarn from one wall to the other in different heights and angles. Tell your kids they need to get through the "mission impossible maze" without touching the yarn! You can make this activity harder or easier by how close you put the yarn to other yarn pieces, how long you make the maze or how high or low to the ground you put the yarn. This activity will work on coodination through the kids having to organize their body movements so that they do not touch the yarn with their legs, arms or body. This activity will also work on their visual skills, because they need to be able to determine where they are able to move through the maze in order to not hit the yarn and it will also work on their bilateral integration because they need to be able to use both sides of their body in a coordinated manner during the activity. Here are some pictures of one of our therpists and a child completing the mission impossible maze! 

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