Thursday, July 14, 2011

Interactive Metronome

Interactive Metronome (IM) is an assessment and treatment tool used to help children with their neurological processes of motor planning, sequencing, and processing. The program provides a structured, goal-oriented process that challenges kids to synchronize a range of hand and foot exerices through a computer program. There is a reference tone provided via headphones and children attempt to match that tone with repetitive actions, including clapping their hands, tapping their feet, and a combinaton of the two. Feedback regarding their performance is provided via auditory and visual cues through the headphones and computer screen. The program is designed to be used for children at the development age of 6 years old and above.
Through this intervention approach, children have been noted to improve:
  • motor skills
  • attention and concentration
  • cognitive speed
  • executive functions
  • language processing
  • memory
  • motor control and coordination
  • phonological awareness
  • reading and math fluency
  • self-control of aggression/impulsivity
  • sensory processing
  • stuttering
If you child is demonstrating difficulties in the above areas and would be interested in learning more about Interactive Metronome, speak to your child's therapist!


1 comment:

  1. Interactive Metronome is the only brain fitness programs that promotes brain health and incorporates movement and coordination activities for a complete brain and body workout. I think it's very important for the brain development.
