Thursday, March 20, 2014

Interactive Metronome

One program that we offer here at CTC is called Interactive Metronome (IM). This is a therapeutic assessment and training program that has been shown to help with many areas including attention, coordination and motor planning, language processing and control of impulsivity and aggression. Many individuals both children and adults can benefit from interactive metronome.

IM is a structured program that continues to challenge the client to synchronize various body exercises to a beat that is generated on the computer system. The client will try to match the beat with repetitive movements such as clapping hands together, using both feet to step on a foot pad, etc. IM incorporates both auditory and visual stimuli to help the client match the beat.  The program increases in difficulty as the child progresses each session and as they improve in their motor planning and sequencing skills.

Here at CTC, interactive metronome is a program that is completed three times per week. Each session is one hour long. The program is 12-15 sessions long. Interactive metronome can be repeated after the first time the program is completed but it is recommended to wait about six months before doing a second time in the program.

If you would like more information, stop in at CTC and ask for a brochure on IM or check out their website at!

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