Monday, April 23, 2012

April is Autism awareness month!

April is Autism awareness month! New studies report that 1 in every 88 children are now diagnosed on the autism spectrum in the United States. Autism is characterized by difficulties in social interaction and communication. Children on the spectrum can also have difficulties with motor coordination, sensory sensitivities and can also have physical health issues including poor sleeping patterns or gastrointestinal issues.

There are lots of different and fun ways to go out into the community and be a part of autism awareness month! Get in touch with your local Autism Speaks chapter! Go to a "sensory friendly film" put on by AMC theaters and the Autism society. The movie auditorium provides a more comfortable experience for those with sensory difficulties and their families by having the lights on and the sound down. The movie theater also allows families to bring in their own casein and gluten free snacks for their children.

For more ideas go to the Autism Society webpage to find more local events in your area!

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