Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Is Your Child a Picky Eater?

We offer 12 week groups using the SOS approach to feeding which works on helping kids play with and try new foods. The group is run by 2 occupational therapists and incorporates sensory play activities to help the kids prep their bodies to explore new foods. Foods are presented in a playful manner and are described by their properties such as texture, color, shape, etc. The kids work on moving up the food hierarchy. The hierarchy has 29 steps that address the areas including tolerating the food, interacting with the food, smelling the food, touching the food, tasting the food, and finally eating the food.
Some of the children’s goals include learning how to have positive experiences with foods, learn mealtime routines, decrease resistance to touching tasting and swallowing foods, increase range of foods they will try, and increase the volume of food ingested.
Goals for the parents include: to tell their child’s story, learn the cues to eating and the steps involved in eating, understand the use of positive and negative reinforcement and positive and negative punishment, understand the ways children learn how to and how not to eat, recognize how they/others have contributed to the problem, create a feeding program for use in their home, and listen to other parents and provide support.
If you’re interested, have comments from your own experiences, or have any questions please comment below or call CTC for further information!

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